DanSchoening on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/danschoening/art/Egon-this-reminds-me-138890202DanSchoening

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DanSchoening's avatar

Egon, this reminds me....


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Peter:...of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. Remember that?
Egon: That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me.

So how would that scene actually have played out?

Here's my take on the moments before Egon attempts to drill a hole in his head. In case you are unfamilar with the concept of drilling a hole in your head, it's correct medical term is "Trepanation" or "Trepanning." It is centuries old in practice. And some believed that drilling a hole in your head would cause more blood to rush to your brain. Therefore, making you think better. I'm assuming Egon thinks he could expand his brain capacity this way ;) Here is the wiki entry on trepanation, [link] a very interesting read.

So what better way to kick off October, than with some Ghostbusters art! Big thanks to :iconsweete: too :D

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animechic420's avatar

I watched an anime called ID:INVADED where a character( a serial killer) drilled holes into people his victims heads for that very reason.